Все персонажи линейдж


Рассматриваемые классы

В High Five Lineage 2 представлено множество классов, каждый из которых имеет свои уникальные особенности и возможности. Рассмотрим некоторые из них:

  • Warrior — класс, заточенный под нанесение физического урона. Обладает большим здоровьем и выносливостью, что делает его отличным танком.
  • Human Knight — один из самых универсальных классов игры, который может использоваться и в атаке, и в защите. Обладает способностью блокировать атаки, а также наносить урон в ближнем бою.
  • Elf Archer — класс, который отличается высокой скоростью и дальнобойностью. Обладает способностью атаковать врагов издалека, что делает его неприятным противником для многих классов.
  • Mage — класс, заточенный под магические заклинания. Обладает большой мощностью атак и способностью исцелять союзников. Однако, при этом имеет низкое здоровье и защиту.
  • Orc Raider — класс, который прекрасно подходит для атакующей игры. Обладает большой силой и атакой, способностью двигаться быстро и игнорировать препятствия на своем пути.

Выбор класса зависит от ваших личных игровых предпочтений и стиля игры. Не стоит зацикливаться на одном классе, лучше попробовать несколько и найти тот, который подходит вам больше всего. Также не забывайте учитывать сильные и слабые стороны выбранного класса при создании персонажа.

Best lineage 2 revolution class guide [current_date format=’Y’]:


Reason for selection: fast level set and high critical damage.

Level: It is easy to build up, as this character attacks from a long distance, which means that it is good for automatic farming.

Dungeons: Hawkeye lacks management skills, and this is the result of clashes with flying opponents who are able to attack your base directly.

PVP: This character is good for delivering the final blow in large-scale battles, but for battles in the 1 on 1 arena, he is clearly weak.


The reason for choosing: it is very difficult to kill.

Read also: Best Lineage 2 Revolution Guide, Tips & Tricks

Level: Its main disadvantage is low damage, both physical and magic.

Dungeons: Usually in dungeons, there is no need for support, but the Bishop is useful during raids and boss fights.

PVP: As with most MMOs, support is a godsend for the team.

Silver ranger:

Reason for choice: it is easy to increase the level, attacks well and moves quickly.

Level: Due to the ability to attack from a distance, this class is ideal for pharming.

Dungeons: Silver Ranger is not good against flying opponents in dungeons.

PVP: This class is similar to Hawkeye, but in PVP battles it shows itself better thanks to the speed of movement and fast attacks.

Temple knight:

Reason for selection: Temple Knight owns the Divine Shield, which creates immunity to any attacks for 5 seconds.

Level: Although Temple Knight has the passive ability to increase attack levels, it does not progress quickly.

Dungeons: The tank character is not very necessary in PVP battles in dungeons.

PVP: He can be considered a VIP character for the PVP arena, especially considering his use of the Divine Shield, which will allow him to control the crystal of the fortress.

Spell singer:

Reason for selection: a great magician with powerful AOE abilities.

Level: The ability to influence the whole area allows you to quickly build up the level.

Dungeons: This hero is good for passing dungeons, thanks to his skills.

PVP: Spell Singer deals massive damage per unit of time and has good control skills, which is quite suitable for arena battles.

Abyss Walker:

Reason for selection: Very high instant damage.

Level: High damage, but low HP, which makes it easy for this character to die in automatic pharming, although its level is growing well.

Dungeons: A character with a high DPS is indispensable in dungeons.

PVP : Since this hero’s HP is low, he requires serious management skills from a gamer to participate in arena fights.

Blade dancer:

Reasons for choosing: The most popular class among Korean gamers, and they agree, do not hold experience in this type of game.

Level: Blade Dancer has two active buff skills, well suited for pharming.

Dungeons: This is a well-balanced class, which is good at everything, including passing dungeons.

PVP: Here you can say the same – the balance of parameters allows this hero to feel good in the arena.

Base Classes Lineage 2 Revolution

1. Mystic

In Lineage 2, Revolution’s vast realm, the Mystic class weaves magic and spirit into a powerful force. Mystics channel elemental energies, capable of wielding destructive spells or mending wounds. They excel in both offense and support roles. Clad in robes, they rely on intelligence and wisdom, preferring staves orbs as their tools.

With skills like Elemental Burst and Healing Circle, they unleash devastating magic or mend allies’ health. Masters of control, they can manipulate foes’ movements and crowd dynamics. Mystic’s classe lineage 2 adaptability in solo play or group battles, along with the power of their Gaming Laptop, makes them a flexible choice.

2. Rogue

The Rogue classe lineage 2 Revolution is like a clever and skilled character. They use daggers and wear light armor. Rogues are great at quick attacks and staying hidden from enemies. They’re really good at landing powerful hits and using poisons. They also move very fast. With abilities like Backstab and Deadly Poison, they can deal a lot of damage and make enemies weaker.

Rogues do best when they surprise enemies by attacking suddenly and using their weaknesses. They’re also good at avoiding attacks and staying alive because they can move quickly. If you like careful and tricky attacks that need a plan, Rogues is the right choice for you.

3. Warrior

Strong and brave, the Warrior class displays its might on the classe lineage 2 Revolution battlefield. Wearing heavy armor and using swords, axes, or hammers, Warriors rush into fights. They mainly soak up damage and guard their friends. Using moves like Cleave and Shield Bash, they deal significant damage while maintaining control over foes.

Warriors have a lot of health and are excellent in direct battles. Their sturdy defense helps them endure hits and keep enemies at a distance. A crucial part of teamwork, Warriors grab enemies’ attention, allowing other classes to perform well. Choosing the Warrior class means being resilient and taking charge.

Роли и особенности классов в Линейдж 2

В мире Линейдж 2 существуют различные классы, каждый из которых играет свою уникальную роль в игровой ММОРПГ. Каждый класс обладает своими особенностями, навыками и возможностями, которые влияют на его эффективность в бою и вклад в командную игру.

1. Воин — одноручный или двуручный воин, специализирующийся на нанесении урона, защите и контроле над противником

Воины обладают высокой выносливостью, сильны в непосредственном бою и могут выступать в роли танка, привлекая на себя внимание противников

2. Маг — заклинатель, способный контролировать магическую энергию и использовать ее для нанесения массовых или одиночных уронов, исцеления или применения полезных эффектов. Маги обладают низкой выносливостью, но компенсируют это огромным потенциалом дальней атаки и поддержки.

3. Рыцарь — герой на титане, способный наносить сокрушительные удары и защищать себя и союзников. Рыцари имеют среднюю выносливость и являются надежной защитой для команды. Они особенно сильны в ближнем бою и могут играть роль танка или мощного физического уронщика.

4. Рога — ловкая и скрытая атакующая единица. Рога специализируются на критических атаках, контроле и нанесении высокого урона из укрытия или боя в упор. Они обладают низкой выносливостью, но отличаются великолепной маневренностью и высокой скоростью атаки.

5. Исцелитель — маг, способный исцелять раны и восстанавливать здоровье своих союзников. Исцелители обладают священной магией, которая позволяет им лечить и защищать команду. Они имеют низкую выносливость и слабую атаку, но их способности восстановления здоровья и боевой поддержки велики.

6. Тёмный маг — зловещий заклинатель, специализирующийся на черной магии и использовании проклятий и сглазов. Темные маги обладают высоким уроном на небольшое расстояние и могут вызывать страх и болезни у противников. Они обладают низкой выносливостью, но их способности контроля и массового урона весьма опасны.

Каждый класс в Линейдж 2 обладает своим уникальным стилем игры, призванием и особенностями. Комбинирование разных классов в команде позволяет достичь синергии и эффективно использовать их возможности. Игрокам предоставляется возможность выбрать класс, который соответствует их игровому стилю и предпочтениям, чтобы достичь успеха в захватывающих битвах Линейдж 2.

Lineage 2 Classic Classes – Base statistics

In Lineage 2 the character classes are limited by the races. Every race has its base statistics that decide some of their strengths and weaknesses. Lineage 2 Classic Classes base stats are:

Strength (STR) – increases physical attack and critical hit damage

Dexterity (DEX) – increases accuracy, evasion, attack speed and critical damage of physical attacks

Constitution (CON) – Increases HP and its regeneration rate, weight limit, lung capacity and shield defense

Intelligence (INT) – Increases magic attack and magic critical hit damage

Wit (WIT) – increases accuracy, evasion, casting speed and critical rate of magic spells and magic resistance

Mental (MEN) – increases mana and its recovery rate, as well as magic defense and resistance to debuffs

Now let’s take a look at the base statistics of different races in Lineage 2 Classic.




Dark Elf










































Dark Elf
































Base Classes


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The Warrior serves as an all-around solid tanking and melee DPS class. Specializing in Heavy Armor gives them a higher defense than the base classes of the Rogue and Mystic, making them perfect for the front-line and players who might not be as adept at moving outside of AoEs. The Warrior can branch off into a handful of Tanks or a Melee based DPS classes.

  • Active Skills

    • Power Strike: (Sword and Shield, Spear, Dual Swords) A powerful attack that serves as a knockdown, allowing for the Warrior to better position themselves in combat.
    • Rush Impact: (Sword and Shield, Spear, Dual Swords) Serves as a gap closer to the melee class. Especially good in PvP arena or open world PvP combat.

There are no racially unique active skills for the Warrior class in Lineage II Revolution.

  • Passive Skills

    • Warrior Weapon Proficiency: When this skill is upgraded the Warrior will receive an increase in their attack when Sword and Shield, Spear, or Dual Swords are equipped.
    • Heavy Armor Proficiency: For each piece of Heavy Armor equipped the Warrior will receive a percentile based reduction to damage taken.


Fast on their feet, the Rogue class is ideal for those who want to do damage quickly with either the Bow or Dagger. This class branches off into two paths, similarly to the Warrior and Mystic, but offer a ranged (archer) or melee DPS option depending on the route.

  • Active Skills

    • Mortal Blow: (Dagger) A powerful attack that serves as a knockdown, allowing for the Rogue to recover or better position themselves for the next attack.
    • Power Thrust: (Dagger) Serves as a gap closer to the Rogue and has a short stun. Especially good in PvP arena or open world PvP combat. This attack provides the Rogue another opportunity to recover in either PvP or PvE (Player Vs. Everyone) combat.
    • Power Shot: (Bow) A knockdown skill exclusive to the bow. Allows for the ranged Rogue to get more distance between themselves and their target.
    • Double Shot: (Bow) An incredibly powerful ranged attack that shoots two arrows in a straight path towards the enemy.
  • Passive Skills
    • Rogue Weapon Mastery: When this skill is upgraded the Rogue will receive an increase in
    • their attack when either the Dagger or Bow is equipped.
    • Light Armor Proficiency: For each piece of Light Armor equipped the Rogue will receive a percentile based increase to their evasion.


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For those looking to embrace the magical arts, this class is for you. The Mystic specializes in ranged, magic combat, shooting spells at enemies from a distance while kiting around the field. The Mystic branches off into either a ranged magic DPS class or a Healing class, so for those looking to branch off into a Healing class this is the starting class for you.

  • Active Skills

    • Energy Bolt: (Staff) A powerful attack that does a sizable amount of damage to an enemy at medium range. This skill is exclusive to the Human Mystic.
    • Flame Strike: (Staff) A close ranged magic attack that serves as a knockdown. This attack is great to use on enemies that get a bit too close for comfort, allowing the Mystic to put some distance between themselves and their enemy in PvP and PvE situations.
    • Wind Strike: (Staff) A strong wind aspected magic attack that does damage to enemies in a row. Ideal to damage a group of enemies while roaming the open world or grinding in one of Lineage II Revolution’s dungeons.
  • Passive Skills
    • Mystic Weapon Mastery: When this skill is increased the Mystic will receive an increase in their attack when Staff weapons are equipped.
    • Cloth Mastery: For each piece of Cloth armor equipped the Mystic’s attack power will increase, allowing the Mystic to deal more damage – or heal more effectively upon class transfer to one of four healing classes available in Lineage II Revolution.


Archers are the ranged physical damage dealers in L2 Classic. Bows have relatively slow attack speed, but high damage. They rely on accuracy and critical hits to optimize their damage. Archers might be quite difficult for first characters, since they use arrows, a lot of Soulshots and they might encounter some mana issues. The basic archer’s abilities are Rapid Shot, Stun Shot and Double Shot as well as the passives: Light Armor Mastery and Bow Mastery.


The human archer is the well rounded choice (as it will be with every other role). High constitution is not exactly a must for an archer, but more hp is always a good thing. In the later levels you will be able to sacrifice some of the CON to get more DEX or STR using dyes.

The highest CON also allows them to carry the highest amount of arrows, what can sometimes be a problem for other classes. Hawkeye is pretty good in PvE, works well both in small groups and the full parties. Farming solo as archers is not that great, because you at least need some buffs. He has access to Burst Shot which is an AoE ability and some accuracy buffs. This class is definitely a good choice for new players, who want to try this playstyle.

Hawkeye’s path

Human Fighter->Rogue->Hawkeye->Sagittarius  

Silver Ranger

Silver Rangers have the highest dexterity, which seems like a great option for archers. The biggest problem with that is the fact that they have to shoot more arrows to kill an enemy. This makes them the most expensive archers as well as the ones with the biggest weight capacity problems.

At the same time they are really strong in the late game PvP, because the higher attack speed allows for landing faster stuns and doing a lot of damage in the long fights. Silver Ranger has a unique skill Rapid Fire that increases their damage and attack speed, but reduces their range. They also have access to the AoE Burst Shot.

This class definitely has its advantages, but it’s definitely not recommended for a first character on a server. Usage of arrows and Soulshots can ruin an inexperienced player.

Silver Ranger’s path

Elven Fighter->Elven Scout->Silver Ranger->Moonlight Sentinel

Phantom Ranger

The Dark Elven archer is the glass cannon choice. The lowest constitution makes them really squishy, but the weight capacity is not that much of a problem, since they hit really hard and don’t need that many arrows to kill the target.

They consume the least Adena out of all the archer classes and can do wonders with just some physical attack, accuracy and critical buffs. They are great damage dealers for small and big parties. At level 59 they get access to a powerful finishing skill called Fatal Counter and a level later they get a great self buff called Dead Eye.

Phantom Ranger’s path

Dark Elven Fighter->Assassin->Phantom Ranger->Ghost Sentinel


Игра следует вымышленной истории с помощью наборов сюжетов, называемых «Саги». В настоящее время существует две саги: «Хроники хаоса» и «Трон хаоса». Крупномасштабные обновления / дополнения известны как «Хроники», в которых представлены новые элементы истории, а также новые функции и дополнения. Их выпускают каждые полгода. В каждой летописи новые умения, квесты, области и предметы. В некоторых хрониках также повышен максимальный уровень.


Персонажи действуют как аватар игрока в игре. Игрокам разрешено использовать до 7 персонажей на одну учетную запись. В настоящее время в мире Lineage II семь рас: Люди, похожие на современных людей и обладающие всесторонне сбалансированными характеристиками; эльфы, у которых превосходная ловкость, движение и скорость произнесения заклинаний, но более слабое нападение; Темные эльфы, обладающие более высокими возможностями магии и рукопашной атаки; Орки, у которых больше HP и MP, но медленнее передвигаются; Гномы, сильные атакующие в ближнем бою и искусные мастера; Камаэли, гуманоиды с единым крылом и профессиями, зависящими от пола; и Эртея, женщины-воительницы с двумя совершенно уникальными классами и разными цепочками квестов.

Race Attributes and Passive Abilities


Humans are incredibly versatile and, due to the well-rounded nature of their stat distribution, are well-equipped with handling almost any situation during early gameplay. However, this means that they do not have any on strength in particular until reaching their first class change.

Passive Skill: Human Potential – This passive grants Humans a higher resistance to critical attacks and provides them with a natural physical attack bonus. However, this racial trait provides little in the way of the Human Mystic and its branching class paths as their damage scales off of magic attacks.


For what the Elves lack in hit points they make up with their high evasion and larger MP pool. They are a race ideal for those who prefer ranged or magic combat due to the natural affinity given to them through their passive skills.

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Passive Skill: Elven Potential – This passive grants the Elf with a higher evasion rate against enemy attacks. It also gives a bonus to natural speed and magic attack damage. This not only makes Elves prime choices for any of the caster classes available to it, but it gives them a high survivability rate.

Dark Elf

Similar to their Elven counterpart, the Dark Elf lacks the number of hit points given to the Human and Dwarf race. However, they have the highest natural critical and attack stats in the game which makes them formidable when it comes to dealing damage.

Passive Skill: Dark Elven Potential – This skill provides the Dark Elf with a higher critical rate than the other races along with the passive of landing critical strikes more often which can result in higher damage output.


While the Dwarf lacks any real natural attack power, this race makes up for it with their sturdy natural defense and high hit points, making this race appealing to newcomers to the game.

Passive Skill: Dwarven Potential – This passive embus the Dwarf with a larger health pool than the other races. This passive also grants bonuses to the Dwarf’s physical defense.


Role of a tank is rather self-explanatory especially in a game like Lineage 2 Classic, which is an old school MMORPG. Tanks use heavy armors and shields. They will usually have a lot of HP as well as physical and magic defense. Their role is to attract enemies’ attention with taunts and absorb the damage, while the rest of the team is DPSing. There are four tank classes in Lineage 2 Classic.


Paladin is a very standard tank class. To increase their stats, they have the three most important passive abilities: Heavy Armor Mastery, Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery and Shield Mastery. They use Aggression and Aggression Aura as a taunt and AoE taunt. 

Some of the unique aspects of Paladin’s kit are: the greater possibility of fighting the undead, with Holy Strike and the ability to heal his allies, either through Sacrifice (using his own HP) or with Divine Blessing. It’s of course less efficient than a mage healer, but it’s some extra utility that other tanks don’t have.

Paladin’s path

Human Fighter->Human Knight->Paladin->Phoenix Knight

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Dark Avenger

Dark Avenger is the second human tank class and it’s rather generally considered the stronger one in L2 Classic. While Paladin is a noble white knight, the Dark Avenger is an expert of the dark arts. He has all the core tank abilities like the passive masteries, stun and taunts, but he can also drain health from his opponents and corpses, reflect a portion of received damage, inflict fear onto enemies and most importantly he has access to a skill called Summon Dark Panther.

The Dark Panther is a significant extra damage source that allows for decently quick solo farming, what is a rarity for tanks. It also makes Dark Avenger pretty strong in 1v1 fights, since it kind of makes them 2v1. You don’t sacrifice much for it, because you can still easily role play as the tank. You have all the defensive passives and taunts, as well as being Human you have high CON value, which results in more HP.

Dark Avenger’s path

Human Fighter->Human Knight->Dark Avenger->Hell Knight

Temple Knight

Temple Knight is the Elven tank class. As you can see in the table they have the highest dexterity. It might not be the most useful for a tank, but extra movement speed and attack speed are always nice things to have. Unfortunately your attacks don’t do much.

Temple Knight, similarly to Paladin (or maybe even more so) is a pure tank. He also has a healing ability. Another very interesting skill is Aegis that allows their shield to protect against the attacks from every direction. It’s very useful for late game farming with some AoE damage dealers. High movement skill is also useful while collecting big amounts of monsters in those situations.

He also has access to cubics, the small uncontrollable helpers that he can cast on himself or an ally. Temple Knight can summon a Storm Cubic, Attractive Cubic and Life Cubic that respectively, deal damage, taunt enemies and heal allies.

Temple Knight is a great tank for the later levels. They work really well in big parties with strong damage dealers and in big scale PvP. In small groups their negligible damage output may become an issue and solo farming is terribly slow. If you’re going to play solo a lot, you should definitely think about another class.

Temple Knight’s path

Elven Fighter->Elven Warrior->Temple Knight->Eva’s Templar

Shillien Knight

Shillien Knight is a Dark Elven tank class. The low constitution is suboptimal for absorbing lots of damage, but with a good healer they can still easily role play as the main tank. Of course they also have access to all the core tank abilities.

Shillien Knights are strong duelists and in contradiction to Dark Avengers, they rely on themselves to deal the damage. They can do that thanks to high strength and dexterity, as well as a strong 1v1 skill set.

They can inflict bleeding and poison and some debuffs onto their enemies, drain health with their skills and their cubics as well as hit them with a Lightning Strike. At the same time they also have an access to Aegis.

Shillien Knights are really strong duelists, decent solo farmers and they still remain capable tanks as long as you keep in mind the limitations of your health bar.

Стандартные классы

Как говорилось выше, в начале игры вы выбираете расу и один из трёх классов для героя. На эти три класса в Lineage 2 Revolution не влияет ваша раса — по сути стандартные разбойники одинаковы как для гномов, так и для людей. Сильно различаются лишь исходящие из класса и расы продвинутые классы. Тем не менее, до 31 уровня вам ещё нужно добраться, так что давайте в первую очередь рассмотрим стандартные классы героев.

Воин — это именно то, что вы себе представляете. Доспехи потолще, в руке меч, здоровья хоть отбавляй. Обычно воины не наносят высокого урона и нужны для того, чтобы контролировать бой и сдерживать урон — это “танки”, полезные в любой группе. В Lineage 2 Revolution воины могут вооружаться мечом и щитом, парными мечами или копьём. Обычные воины умеют бить по земле и отбрасывать врагов вокруг себя и делать рывок на врага и оглушать его. Воины ценят защиту обоих типов, уклонение и физическую атаку. В дальнейшем воины превращаются в Паладинов/Завоевателей (люди), Рыцарей Евы/Менестрелей (эльфы), Рыцарей Шилен/Танцоров Смерти (тёмные эльфы) и Стражей/Убийц (гномы).

Маг. Маги в Lineage 2 Revolution не могут похвастаться здоровьем или впечатляющими навыками ближнего боя, но способны контролировать толпу при помощи АоЕ-атак и поддерживать союзников и себя баффами. Маг должен стоять подальше от врагов и бегать от них, чтобы не пускать никого к себе и наносить урон. Изначально все маги имеют два навыка — атаку ветром и атаку огнём, а человеческие маги также способны швырять энергетический шар. Орудуют все маги только посохами. В дальнейшем маги превращаются во Властителей Огня/Епископов (люди), Певиц Заклинаний/Старейшин (эльфы), Заклинателей Ветра/Мудрецов Шилен (тёмные Эльфы) и Боевых Магов/Мудрецов (гномы).

Разбойник — тот, кто наносит урон. Они быстро двигаются и быстро (и больно) атакуют. Разбойники используют луки и кинжалы, и имеют 4 активных навыка — 2 для лука, 2 для кинжала. Кинжалами можно сильно бить врага и отбрасывать его и резко прорываться по прямой через толпу врагов; из лука можно наносить мощный отбрасывающий выстрел по одному врагу или проинкающий двойной выстрел. Минус разбойников в их “хилости” — слабая защита и небольшое здоровье не позволяют им биться долго. Далее превращаются в Искателей Сокровищ/Стрелков (люди), Следопытов/Серебряных Рейнджеров (эльфы), Странников Бездны/Фантомных Рейнджеров (тёмные эльфы) и Собирателей/Боевых Рейнджеров (гномы).

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