Развитие персонажа в lineage 2


The beginning

Lineage 2 offers special help to the new players, in form of free teleports at the Gatekeepers and free 60 minute buffs from Adventurer’s Guides. They can be found in major townships and cities: Gludio, Dion, Giran, Heine, Oren, Aden, Goddard, Schuttgart, Rune as well as in Hunters Village and in Ancient City Arcan. Make sure, that you make use of those buffs at all times.

From the beginning of the game at level 1 you should focus on following the quest line in Talking Island Village and its surroundings. At level 18 you will get access to a quest called Start the Fate given by Sebion in the Ruins of Ye Sagira. It’s crucial to complete this quest, because it grants you a full D-Grade equipment set along some Adena, exp, SP and consumables.

The quest itself sends you to a quick dungeon called Labyrinth of Belis. You have to kill some enemies that’ll drop an item called Belis’ Mark – three of them will be needed to open a door. Then you will have to protect the NPC Combat Assistant against incoming monsters. Finally, you have to defeat Royal Guard Nemertess and pick up Saril’s Necklace.

After that you will be teleported back to Ruins of Ye Sagira, where you have to collect your reward from Sebion. This is also the first class transfer quest and after finishing it you get to choose your development path. You will get a Paulina’s Equipment Set (D-Grade) that you will be able to turn into full set of D-Grade gear.  

The only exceptions are the Ertheia characters who will complete quests around Faeron. Moreover, instead of the Start of Fate, they will complete the See the World quest for their D-Grade gear and consumables.

Передача прав Лидера Клана

Лидер клана может передавать права другим членам клана. Лидер должен оставить заявку на передачу прав у NPC, ответственного за действия, связанные с кланом. Новый лидер клана приступит к исполнению своей новой роли в течение установленного времени активации. (Передача прав лидера клана должна произойти, даже если неожиданно прервалась связь с сервером). Передача прав может быть отменена в любой момент до истечения установленного времени активации.

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Later parts of the game

If you already reached lvl 85, you should complete the quest called Seize the Destiny. It will let you advance your class once more through Awakening. After that it’s mostly exploring the endgame content. There’s still plenty of progression ahead of you. Kill strongest Raid Bosses, get the most powerful gear you can (after S-Grade there are plenty of higher tiers: S80, R, R95, R99 and R110).

If you don’t want to follow the recommended Kekropus’ Letter route, you can still level by grinding, but it will be much slower. It’s more of a nostalgia trip for a veteran player, than an effective and fast leveling method, but it’s still an option. You can visit zones like Cruma Tower, Breka Orc Stronghold, Tower of Insolence (you can slowly clear up and max out and make your way to reach the top floor on higher levels). 

Unfortunately the amounts of exp that you can get this way are really low compared to questing and usually speed is improtant in this process. While you may spend too much time doing that, at least you will get some valuable materials. In general this method is currently both hard and slow. 

You can start thinking about choosing and leveling your subclasses, achieving the Noblesse status and taking part in the Olympiad. Following this guide, you should be able to achieve Awakening extra fast. Increase the pace of getting those levels and enjoy Lineage 2 endgame in no time!

Альтернативные версии игры

Lineage 2 Classic

В Lineage 2 Classic разработчики пошли навстречу части сообщества, считавшей самой интересной версию игры до обновления Goddess of Destruction, вышедшего в 2011 году. Для них был представлен отдельный проект, который похож на старые версии игры, но развивается по отличному от них пути, близкому по духу игрокам «старой школы». В России проект был запущен 18 ноября 2014 года.

Основные отличия от основной версии: отсутствие расы артей, которая появилась после обновления Goddess of Destruction; отсутствие возможности получения 4-й профессии; отсутствие возможности получения двойного класса; «классическая» «партийная» система из предшествующих Goddess of Destruction версий игры.

Lineage 2 Essence

Lineage 2 Essence — другая альтернативная версия игры. В Корее Essence вышла в 2018 году под названием Lineage 2 Aden как комплекс дополнительных серверов к версии Lineage 2 Classic. Официальный релиз в России состоялся 23 апреля 2019 года под названием Essence. Данная версия позиционируется как полноценная игра вне состава Lineage 2 Classic. Издатель заявляет, что название Essence символизирует суть новой версии — самой легкой в освоении и прокачке.

Основными отличиями от основной версии игры является возможность «автоматической охоты» (система автоматического боя), общее ускорения процесса повышения уровня персонажей и самодостаточность классов персонажей. Класс «рыцарь смерти», которым могут стать представители людей, эльфов и темных эльфов; система питомцев — убив особого рейдового босса, игроки могут получить одного из питомцев — кукабарру, дракона, тигра, волка, ястреба или буйвола, — питомец эволюционирует, прокачивается и помогает хозяину в бою; набор PvP-активностей, кардинально отличающийся от основной версии. Также в этой версии есть особые межсерверные зоны («Логово Антараса», «Первобытный Сад»), в которых игроки сражаются за право убийства ключевых рейдовых боссов.

К недостаткам версии на 2019 год (в российской локализации) относили старую программную основу («движок») игры, повторяющую ошибки из предыдущих версий Lineage и неудачную для игрока схему монетизации.

Lineage 2

Lineage 2 is one of the hit games that shaped the term Korean MMORPG. It has been released in 2003 and it’s still relevant as it continues the succesful run and gets regular updates. L2 formed a community of loyal players that enjoy both the PvE and open world PvP aspects of the game. Most fans agree that the endgame is the msot interesting, essential part of the game. Players can form clans to take part in a Fortress Siege or to kill giant Raid Bosses who can tank absurd amounts of damage.

Players can choose from seven playable races: Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Orc, Dwarf, Kamael and Ertheia. They can later develop their stats and characters to get 1st class at level 20, then 2nd class transfer at 40, 3rd at 76 and later the awakening. For example: Elven Fighter advances into Elven Knight, then Temple Knight, later Eva’s Templar and finally awakens into Sigel Eva’s Templar. 

To get more guides, tips and other online gaming content for Lineage 2 and other hot MMORPGs make sure to visit our webiste daily or weekly, or however often you want and check the latest articles on our blog. To get an extra advantage without spending hours on farming, you can also check out the Lineage 2 offers posted at our site with a single click.

After level 20

When you have your new class and D-Grade equipment it’s time to teleport to Gludio. You should also sell the No-Grade items and Soulshots because you won’t need them anymore. The starting items can’t be sold, so you have to destroy them, to free up some space in your inventory.

You should keep following the quest line (new quests should keep automatically appearing in the proper tab). If you don’t have any new quests there, then you probably just have to grind for a few levels. You can just go to any location surrounding Gludio. Ruins of Despair might be a good idea with the bonus nostalgia points if you remember farming there in some earlier versions of the game.

In Gludio, you will be able to enter Kamaloka once a day. This is a daily challenge for parties of 2-6 or 2-9 players (depending on whether you choose Hall of the Abyss or Labyrinth of the Abyss). It can grant you a nice amount of exp and some valuable loot.

By the way, in Gludio you should start actively looking for a clan (that is if you’re not a member of one already). You should aim to always farm in the party, because parties get bonus experience. Being a member of a clan, especially a fine, developing one, usually means a lot of players with new characters. You can group up with some of them, create parties and farm when you’re at similar levels – make sure that the level difference isn’t larger than 5, because it impairs the exp gain of the lower level party members.

The quest line will carry you to Windmill Hill when you’re going to have to grind some spiders, Lizardmen, and Orcs. After that, you will return to Gludio and set off to Ruins of Agony to slay the undead there. After that, you’re going to kill Kanilov, a very weak boss.

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Next location they’ll send you is Ruins of Despair, where you’ll have to hunt skeletons, imps and bats. After that, you’re going to fight another, this time slightly stronger boss – Poslof.

Another part of the quest line brings you to Wastelands and ends with defeating the last boss in this chain – Sakum. This is also the second class transfer quest. After killing the boss you have to return to the correct guildmaster in Gludio to get your reward and choose the second class. Similarly to the level 20 quest, it will provide you with a full gear of a higher tier, this time it’s C-Grade. Remember to choose the right armor and weapon for your second class. Ertheias have their separate line and their class quest is called Winds of Fate: Encounters.  

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